Saturday, April 23, 2005

Saturday, 4/23

A quiet day today, which is always a good thing. I held Dinky for an hour which was wonderful!! He looked so peaceful and did really well! Unfortunately we didn't have the camera. He looked so good today. His swelling is virtually gone for the first time in weeks and weeks. He lost 175 grams last night and I think it was all in his head!

There really is not a lot to report. Not much happens on the weekend (which is also frustrating at times) but overall it was a good day!


Blogger NaomiGibbs said...

You three were not with physically us yesterday, but you certainly were there in our hearts and minds. It was a beautiful day.

I loved getting back just now and checking in on our babe--and I loved knowing he had a good day, and I visualized you holding him with that meltingly beautiful smile on your face. love...

6:16 PM  

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