Friday, 5/6
Thank you all so much for your sweet comments!! We are just exhausted today. They have little "sleep rooms" at the hospital and we stayed there last night just to make sure Dinky was getting through this post-op phase okay. They keep telling us he's doing well but it's so hard to believe that when you see him so sedated and with a tube coming out of everywhere! Poor little thing. The only issue today has been multiple, multiple "bradys" (where his heart rate drops). It drops pretty low (to about 70-80 when it's usually 120-140) and then comes right back up. They think it might be related to the tube that's connected to the ventilator. When it's really low it pokes on the little area where his lungs stem from and causes his heart rate to drop briefly. It's unnerving. I think sometimes the doctors and nurses (as patient as they all are) get frustrated when we ask for constant reassurance that "this and that are not concerning" and that he's really okay. But I think sometimes they forget this is normal for them and that they see it everyday, and it is okay, but as a parent it's the furthest thing from normal and is so hard to see. I have definitely learned so many lessons that I will take with me when I eventually get back to work. Anyway, I'm tired, so before I get too philosophical on everyone I'm going to go eat and sleep!! Again we cannot thank you enough for your prayers these past few days.
I agree with Jean. Just before logging in here, I looked out at the (Carolina!) blue skies, the green-ness with all pollen washed away, and the natural palette of colors bursting forth in beds all around, and I knew (again) how very much we have to be thankful for. Happy Mother's Day, sweet things. Hold tight to each other, kiss Dinky for me, and treasure all the moments with your family. love...
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