Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tuesday, 5/3

Our poor little baby. They tried extubating him today and he couldn't do it. It's hard to decipher the exact reasons why, it seems to be a combination. He has several factors working against him: chronic lung disease, his windpipe is just weak and immature, and his diaphragm doesn't work properly. These factors coupled with the fact that he got very mad when he sensed he wasn't getting the same airway help as usual and he "clamped down". This made it harder for him to breathe so they had to reintubate him. My heart is just broken. I was so hopeful that our little guy could make it without that machine and that tube in his nose, that he could be more of a baby. It's just not time. Hopefully soon. For now he's still scheduled to have his surgery on Thursday.

This will be my only update today but tonight when we get home I will post a picture. We had a a few precious moments of seeing our baby without all of that tape and plastic and managed to get a few quick pictures. I knew he was cute but he is cute! It has been a sad day but I can't help but smile when I picture that little face. He gave it his best shot.


Blogger NaomiGibbs said...

I am so sorry that the day didn't go as well as we had all hoped. Poor little fellow. I can't wait to see the pictures.

Thanks to Dinky and Company, we each have a ton of special moments to pull out and relive. Thanks for making them possible. love...

4:46 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

I know how much you were looking forward to Edison being extubated. I guess our little booger just needs a little more time to get stronger before he can do it on his own. He'll get there, I know it.
Love, Sue

9:49 AM  

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