Monday, 5/2
Today was a big day for our little man. Let's see if I can try and explain. They wanted to test him on C-pap (continuous positive airway pressure): Air is delivered to a baby's lungs through small tubes in the baby’s nose. The tubes are attached to a ventilator (respirator), which helps the baby breathe, but does not breathe for him. They wanted to do this while he was still intubated (the tube down his windpipe) so they just put his ventilator on C-pap settings. So basically Dinky was taking all of his own breaths but the c-pap setting still gave his lungs a little pressure. He did great! His oxygen remained at room air settings and he still "sated" almost 100%. They are putting him back on the ventilator overnight but the plan is to try and extubate him in the morning. This means they will remove the tube that's in his windpipe and he will no longer be "vent dependent". This is HUGE!
The fact that he did so well today gives them a pretty good idea that his diaphragm probably works a little more than we thought which is great news. We're still not sure how the little "flap" in his windpipe factors into all of this and so that will be the big question tomorrow.
He is tentatively scheduled to go to surgery on Thursday which will definitely put us back a few steps but it will be so encouraging to go into surgery knowing that he can get to this point.
This is huge, HUGE! To think that Eddie can breathe on his on... even a little seems to say he is ready to get the "flap-outta-there" and get on with his life. Let's cheer that thought on.
Tell your docs for us that we have all good faith in what they are thinking and what they will plan to do.
We will see you soon.
Love you Ruef's, all three of you,
You know, I think Dinky has decided he's tired of all this lying around and he's ready to get on with his life. His actual due date has just passed, so he's ready to make up for lost time. Plus, he's heard all this talk about Tar Heels and Rolls Royces and he's ready to peek around outside. You go, little fellow; we're all with you! love...
That's our little man! Go Edison, GO!!!!!
So happy for all of you,
How exciting! GO DINKY BAYBEE!!!
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