Friday, 4/29
This is an early update but the doctors just rounded and so much is about to happen I just felt compelled to jump on here early. If things go as planned (IF) the next week will prove to be very scary and exciting! Dinky is doing so well with his vent weanings they are going to try and wean more over the next few days and then on Sunday or Monday try and extubate him (remove the tube in his nose and let him breathe on his own). He may need to go on C-pap (continuous positive airway pressure): Air is delivered to a baby's lungs through either small tubes in the baby’s nose or through a tube that has been inserted into his windpipe. The tubes are attached to a ventilator (respirator), which helps the baby breathe, but does not breathe for him which is still a step up! They are also tentatively planning to take him to surgery next week. YIKES! This will be the surgery to connect his esophagus and potentially tack down his diaphragm. We are definitely about to enter a new chapter. My stomach is just in knots but I am so excited about moving forward! They are also going to start feeding him today which I know will make our little man happy. To be continued...
First, the picture was amazing and we will cherish it forever. Next week will be a big one, and we are so glad that it works out to be Mother's Day week and that we can be there to provide whatever support we can. The kitchen will be popping this weekend so we can bring a chuckwagon load of goodies. Much love and excitement that we are getting to the most important step yet (and hopefully the one that gets you all home.)Love to the "little man", to your "big man", and to you, Pooh.
See ya soon.
Fantastic news!! Edison is doing so well and things are finally moving forward. Let's get that little baby better so you can get him home! Definitely a sunshine day in my book (especially since I am having an insanely yucky day at work).
Love to all of my little peaches,
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