Friday, September 02, 2005

Friday, A New Day, 9/2

Thank you all for your support these past 2 days. Things are looking up. They extubated Dinky (took out his breathing tube) about 11 this morning. He fought it at first but then settled out and is now resting comfortably. He was very upset initially but his sedation got cut, his foley catheter was pulled and the tube was pulled out with bright lights and 10 faces peering at him. Not a nice way to wake up. However he is now realizing that all of these things are positive and is resting comfortably. Whew.

I think I will go home tomorrow, sleep in my own bed, and work on these bags under my eyes that Daisy, the woman who cleans the NICU (and that we love), keeps pointing out :)

Now we just wait for that smile.


Blogger Shannon said...

Thinking of you....

I love you,


1:57 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

So happy to hear that Dinky was extubated successfully! We are back on the right track now!

10:45 PM  

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