Friday, 7/1
Just a quick update...
Dinky had a pretty good day although it started with another "spell" this morning. He's been okay the rest of the day, though. The doctors are concerned that he's started having these again so they'll watch him closely this weekend. If he starts having a harder time recovering from them they may put him back on the ventilator electively instead of potentially having to do it emergently. We are obviously praying that that doesn't happen. I think they will probably do a bronchoscopy next week to see if his airway still looks open. Right now he is downstairs sleeping comfortably in his daddy's arms.
We had a nice visit with our friends Randy and Jenny who are visiting Philly from NC. We relish any opportunity to show off our pride and joy :)
I know "this too shall pass."
Thanks for penning for me a picture of Dinky sleeping carefreely in his daddy's arms. I'm glad it worked out for Jenny and Randy to visit while they were in the area, and I'll look forward to their update when I talk to them after their return. love...
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