Thursday, February 17, 2005

Thursday evening, 2/17

Just got back from seeing little Dinky. He looks really comfortable today. It's still so nice to see him without his "blindfold" on. He was able to finish the Indocin for his PDA and we should find out in a day or two if that worked. The nurse already mentioned that his murmur did not seem as loud so we're hopeful. He seemed to tolerate the medicine well. Hopefully this means he can start eating again in a day or two. The are trying to wean the vent down again. Hopefully his chest xray and blood gases will contine to look good so they can keep going down.

Many of you have asked about seeing a picture. We've been a little unsure how to handle this because I just don't think the pictures do him justice. Please know that he really looks comfortable when we look at him and is often sleeping very peacefully. The pictures look more "sad" than our boy does in real life. Keeping that in mind I'll post a link because so many of you have asked and we thank you for caring. Hopefully this will work...just copy and paste the link into your address bar. If it doesn't work please email me and I'll send you the link:


Blogger NaomiGibbs said...

Thanks for sending the pictures--he's now so much more real to me. I rubbed his little cheek on the computer screen and knew that I would soon get to do it for real. I check this site each morning when I get up, and I check again when I come home from the college. Now, I'll also look at our wee Dinky each day. lots and lots of love...

7:47 PM  

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