Thursday, 6/9
Just a quick note today. Dinky was much more restful. I think he might have been so fussy yesterday because he got his first immunizations. They are going to start him on a new medication for reflux so hopefully that will help. In the afternoon Martin and I got to hold him which was wonderful. Without the tube he's really able to snuggle up. All in all it was a much better day. We're counting the grams until he hits the 7 pound mark. He's at 6 pounds 10 ounces now! His weight gain has been slow so we're hoping that now that surgery is over he'll really start gaining. That's all for now...
I don't recall any feeling ever being as intense as that feeling of pure and simple love that gripped me when I held my babies close. I felt it again through you as you described snuggling with precious Dinky.
And, I have no doubt that D will gain that weight--consider his genes! love...
I just cannot get enough of this good news. How wonderful!! Keep it coming!
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