Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday, 5/23

Another quiet day today. The only thing that's going on is that Dinky's g-tube (the tube that goes into his stomach where he gets his feedings) is leaking a little bit. Other than that we're doing well. I may not update every day while we're in this holding pattern so don't be alarmed if there's not a daily post. I promise I will update if there are any changes. Your support means the world to us!


Blogger NaomiGibbs said...

You will never know how much the blog has meant to all of us who love Dinky (and Dinky's mom and dad!). Not knowing what was going on would have been torturous. Yet I know how hard it must have been on some days to even find the words to describe what was going on.

For us, I guess the blog has served as sort of a "feeding tube" (a "D-tube"?) delivering daily reports on our Dinky.

Now, you deserve a break, but don't stay away too long; I'll miss you while you're away. Pat Dinky's butt for me and tell him Dobie loves him lots. love...

7:50 PM  

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