Friday night, 2/25
Guess what? I don't have anything bad to say! Finally!! Yes, our boy is still very sick, but he is definitely better than yesterday. He has been stable on the vent with his oxygen ranging between 37-50%. That is higher than we would like but after yesterday I'm sure he needs time to rejuvenate. The doctor was encouraged by his progress today and said if he continues to improve like he did today we can get him over this hump. Our goal is that by next week his vent settings will be back to where they were early this week. He is still not getting milk but they will restart this once he tapers off his dopamine (a medicine they gave him when his blood pressure was too low). We were so thrilled to see him open his eyes today and look around. He even squeezed my finger a little bit. The doctor likened what he went through yesterday to being hit be a car, if you ask me it was more like a mack truck. We are definitely taking things day by was better than yesterday...but hopefully not as good as tomorrow.
Jen and Martin,
Dinky is indeed the luckiest baby around to have such wonderful parents. Please take good care of yourselves as you care for him. Sending warm thoughts full of caring, love, and HOPE to you each and every day,
There's nothing "dinky" about this little fellow's resolve and spirit. He's the personification of the little engine that could! you go, little guy! love....
I was cyber-lurking when i found your blog. Wow! He really is blessed to have you. I say my prayers tonight for Dinky and you.
God bless!
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